Few Points to Ponder on the Best Hotels in Korea

Few Points to Ponder on the Best Hotels in Korea

Few Points to Ponder on the Best Hotels in Korea


One of the things that you ought to know about the Korean hotels is that they are reviewed under a new and a stringent rating system, and that is at par or equal to the international standards. This report is as per the Korean Tourism Organization. Also, as per the information of the tourist organization, that is state run, the new hotel rating system shall be based on the scale of one to five stars. Besides all of that, the present flower system a.k.a. the mugunghwa system is at present not in use. Also, since the year 1971, all the hotels in Korea have been reviewed under this flower-based system, which ranks the hotel in 5 categories. Some of the best hotels that you will find in Korea are, 강남하이퍼블릭. Besides all of that, there have been issues that the rating system of the hotel fails to work as an indicator regarding the quality of service which the hotels are offering.

Matching International Standards

Besides all of that, the above-mentioned hotel is that, which matches the international standards. But at the same time, you will also find hotels that does not matches the international standards as per the views of Yong Seon Joong. Yong Seon Joong is the director of the tourism infrastructure head office at the KTO. Also, for judging a hotel and reviewing it, the KTO sets up the reviewing body which has some 100 experts who are in the field of hospitality and they are bound to review and check some 800 hotels in Korea. This is one such process which comprises of on-site inspection, especially for those hotels under the 3-star including an unannounced trip to 4 and 5-star hotels.

Change in Korean Hotels

Besides all of that, there is a big change coming in Korea and there is a growing call to welcome reliable hotels in Korea in which there will be trusted hotel service appraisal system there. Also, the former system was not so good enough. Especially that of the Korean hotel association and Korean tourism association, the interest of whose is closely connected with hotel properties. Besides all of that, there are around 16% of the hotels in Korea, which has never ever been reviewed for rating. And, there are many hotels that fail to meet the standards that are expected. But that’s not the case of all the hotels. Some hotels are best and top-notch. Also, they have started a new hotel rating system, according to which the preparation committee showed 3 out of 6 hotels in the top tier level and they couldn’t meet up with the standards prescribed.